Kids Taking Action

Kids Can Help the Earth, People, Animals and Plants 




  • Turn off the light when leaving your bedroom, bathroom
  • Turn off lights in your home when not needed
  •  Unplug your chargers when not in use
  • Turn off TV’s, computers, radios and media when not in use
  • With the help of your parents replace an incandescent bulb with an LED 
  • Monitor your home energy and water use online or in the app
  • Let the sun shine in! Open shades and curtains
  • Turn down the heat and wear warmer clothes when it’s colder
  • Cool your house lightly in summer




  • Take shorter showers
  • Shower less often
  • Catch shower water in a bucket as it warms up and use it to water plants
  • Only flush when necessary: If it’s just liquid waste, consider skipping the flush.🚽
  • (If it's’ yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down)
  • Monitor your water usage in the app(for teenagers)
  • Turn off running water when brushing your teeth



  • Be mindful of food waste. Only put as much food on your plate as you think you can eat
  • Use cloth napkins – make your own
  • Eat mostly plants – fruits, veggies, leaves, nuts, seeds and grains
  • Use dish cloths and small towels instead of paper towels
  • Use metal utensils instead of plastic
  • Plant a vegetable garden or just a pot of your favorite, maybe a tomato
  • Save food scraps to make compost – learn how to create a compost bin
  • Ask for a food waste bin in the lunchroom
  • Ask for cans and bottles recycling bins in the lunchroom
  • Bring your lunch things in waxed paper bags instead of plastic ones
  • Use paper straws
  • Bring a thermos or reusable cup instead of plastic water and drink bottles
  • Buy drinks like milk and juice in cartons instead of plastic containers
  • Plant a flower garden or pots  with flowers that attract pollinators


Transportation/Getting around

  • Ride your bike to school
    • Help organize a Bike Train!
  • Walk, skate or skateboard to school, your friends’ houses or your activities
  • Carpool
  • Ride the bus! The Transfort bus and the MAX are Free!
    • This can be a fun family activity
  • Find your way around town using public transportation


Zero waste

  • Save food scraps to make compost. Learn how to create a compost bin or take it to the compost bin at the church Community Garden
  • Compost food instead of putting it in the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink
  • With your family take a virtual or in person tour of/visit the Timberline Recycling Center and learn about other items that can be recycled
  • Recycle in your home
  • At school encourage every classroom to have a waste basket AND a recycling basket!
  • Bring your own take-home boxes to restaurants



  • Write, draw, paint your feelings about our planet
  • Plant a tree or bush
  • Participate in a Citizen’s Science Project
  • Play outside and enjoy the outdoors
  • Keep cats indoors to protect birds
  • Raise earthworms
  • Feed birds