Advocate for Change

Many of the biggest environmental challenges can best (or only) be addressed systemically!


It is critical that our leaders adopt policies and regulations as soon as possible that will move us toward rapidly cutting carbon emissions.


These policy-makers can be influenced by public opinion. You can make an impact by urging them to take the necessary actions!



Actions You Can Take


  • Learn about an issue (see Learn below)
  • Make a phone call (see "Call or Write... Who? below)

  • Write a letter
  • Join with Climate Action Now for daily advocacy
  • Share your knowledge and actions with friends and neighbors
  • Vote!



Call or Write... How?


Prepare to Make a Call


Before making a call or writing a letter, prepare briefly regarding your topic. Keep in mind:

  • You don't need to be an expert
  • Get familiar with terminology related to the issue
  • Track down related bill titles and numbers if possible (not necessary)
  • See below for resources on environmental issues
  • See below for information on how to find and contact your representatives



Call or Write... Who?


Choose the appropriate societal or organizational level(s) for the particular issue, and contact those people:


  • Local

    • Community or social groups such as faith communities, service organizations, political units

    • Fort Collins City Council

      • email:

      • Mayor Jeni Arndt, City Hall

        300 LaPorte Ave, FC 80521

        c/o:  Sarah Kane, Tel: 970.416.2447


  • Regional

  • State of Colorado

  • National

    • Find Your Representatives in both Congress and the House

    • Colorado Senators

      • Senator Michael F. Bennet  Tel: 202.224.5852

        261 Russell Sen. Office Bldg, Washington D.C. 20510

        FtC – Tel: 970.224.2200

        Toll Free: 866.455.9866

      • Sen. John Hickenlooper  Tel: 202.224. 5941

        374 Russell Sen. Office Bldg, Washington DC 20510


    • White House

      • White House Online Comment Form

      • Call the White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111

        • Call the Alternate Line if the Comment Line doesn't go through: 202-456-1414
          (ask to be directed to the comment line)
        • Call before 3pm ET (1pm Colorado time)

        • It may take 15 minutes to get through to someone





 Resources for Information:


Advocacy Resources






Schools and Educational Programs



Further Reading


Environmental News



Books on Policy and Activism



Books on Climate



Academic Articles on Climate Change